Wednesday, March 1, 2017

George Van Boovan

George Van Boovan


from Vancouver, BC


(High School)
1947-48 New Orleans Hurricanes (PBLA)

Name is most likely spelled VanBooven. No information found except box scores.

Times-Picayune, Nov 9, 1947



  1. Hey — thanks for all your great work on the site. I've been doing some research lately on the Hurricanes, and I wanted to see if I could track down a first name for "Van Boovan." Well, I found one: A clip from the New Orleans Times-Picayune of Nov. 9, 1947, says the team includes "George VonBooven, who hails from Vancouver, B.C."

    Now, the spelling here is questionable — from box scores, I suspect he's a "Van" not a "Von," and that there's probably a space after it. I'm guessing he was actually a "Van Booven" or "Van Boven," which seem to be the most common spellings. But I've searched for him in Canadian census records and newspaper archives and haven't been able to find him anywhere, so we may never know. (Like how we'll probably never know how a kid from Vancouver, with no apparent history in college bb, ended up on a random team in New Orleans.)

    But I can tell you there *is* a published source that lists his first name as "George," if you want to update!

  2. Nice tip. I will add George. I wonder if the surname is Boivin
