Monday, December 4, 2017

Bucky Williams

Francis "Bucky" Williams



1925-26 Brooklyn Visitations (MBL)
1925-26 Brooklyn Edison (Independent)
1926-27 Assumption Triangles - Brooklyn (Independent) 
1926-27 Paterson Crescents (MBL)
1926-27 Youngstown Bentleys (CBL)
1927-28 Catskill Howitzers (MBL)
1927-28 Brooklyn Visitations (ABL)
1928-29 Brooklyn Visitations (ABL)
1929-30 Brooklyn Visitations (ABL)
1930-31 Reading-Chester (TSL)
1932-33 Jamaica Corbetts (MBL)
1932-33 Brooklyn Americans (MBL)
1942-43 St Francis College - New York (College) Assistant coach
1943-44 St Francis College - New York (College) Assistant coach
1944-45 St Francis College - New York (College) Assistant coach
1945-46 St Francis College - New York (College) Assistant coach
1946-47 St Francis College - New York (College) Assistant coach
1947-48 St Francis College - New York (College) Assistant coach 

Not much found about Williams. He wound up as assistant coach at St Francis under Joe Brennan, but was not retained after Brennan left in 1948. He was rumored to be getting his own head coaching job in the south, but not sure if that ever materialized. I lose track of him after 1948.

Referred to as an "aggressive, chunky individual"



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